Hot Weather Trout Fishing Tips: What Guides Do In Summer

Hot weather trout fishing means warm water temps combined with low clear rivers, which can make trout fishing tough for anglers. I monitor water temps regularly, use smaller baits and lures, fish cold water sections of the rivers, and I only fish early mornings when the river is coldest.
I’m a trout guide, and I have learned to adapt my methods to ensure my clients catch trout during the hot weather periods.
The 5 Best Hot Weather Trout Fishing Tips
- Trout eat all summer: They just change their feeding habits as the water starts to get warm. By changing my tactics and where and when I fish, I still consistently put big trout in the net all summer, and I do it without any risk to the trout we release.
- Water Temperature Is Key: If the water temperatures get about 67F, start looking for colder water or go home.
- Location: Fish the rivers and locations within the rivers that stay cool and are not affected by hot air temperatures.
- Oxygen Content: Warmer water usually has less oxygen content, so trout will move near or into rapid sections that have higher oxygen content.
- Catch And Release: If the water is warm and above 65F, keep the trout in the water and submerged if you plan to release them alive.
Every year, I catch and release the same large trout, sometimes over 20 times throughout the summer season, which clearly demonstrates that proper fishing methods, good timing, proper handling and release techniques work very well.
Weather And Water Temperatures
Like many other fish species, trout are cold-water fish, and they become less active when the water gets too hot. Due to oxygen requirements, trout search for colder waters and more oxygenated water during the summer. It is said that the amount of oxygen in the water reduces the hotter it gets.
The oxygen level drops significantly when the water temperature reaches 68 degrees Fahrenheit or goes even higher. In these temperatures, the trout get stressed and stop feeding until the water cools down again.
Trout caught in water temperatures above 69 degrees can and will often die even if you think you released them healthy.
In my area, warning signs are posted along popular brook trout and brown trout rivers that are catch and release. These signs tell anglers not to fish on hot sunny days with high air temperature.
Let me say that air temperatures are irrelevant because fish do not live in the air.
Yep, I know I just pissed off a bunch of conservation-minded trout anglers from the local fishing clubs, but hear me out.
The reason air temps are irrelevant is that if the air temps are 90F/ 32C but there is significant groundwater, shade, or other reasons for a river to stay cold, then all that matters is water temperatures.
I always have a stream thermometer with me, and I check water temps almost every 30 to 60 minutes on these super hot days. There have been many days when air temperatures are almost 90F, but the river is still 63F and fishing well.
Even in 90F, I will still hook and land big trout and release them unharmed and healthy.
I know the trout are unharmed and healthy because I will often do this many times throughout the same year in hot temps, releasing the same big trout over and over again. I will often even catch that same trout again next summer.
The key to fishing in hot weather is to monitor the water temperatures regularly, stop when water temps get too warm, and change locations or go home when water temps are above 67-68f
The best temperature to fish trout in the summer is within the 45 to 67 degrees range, regardless of the air temps.
Fishing After A Rain
Heavy rains can be beneficial for hot-weather trout fishing as long as it does not raise the temperature of the water too much.
Rainfall raises water levels, provides a fresh oxygen supply, and increases food from insects and other food sources washed into the river. Rain also dirties the water. As a result, trout start to feed more actively, and you have a better chance of catching them.
Trout fishing in the rain and Trout Fishing After Rain can be some of the best times to fish for big trout, but, it can also be bad.
Warning: In some areas, a sudden midday rain shower or thunderstorm that lands on hot streets or open areas like fields that have a lot of sun exposure can result in a lot of hot run-off water that enters the rivers quickly, which can raise water temperatures fast which can seriously stress out the fish.
Finding The Best Place For Fishing Trout In Hot Weather
The best places for successful fishing are cold, fast-flowing streams and rivers that are not particularly exposed to the sun and heat. The best rivers are surrounded by bushes, forests, and mountains that provide shade.
It is good to find fast-moving water with some deeper pools and shady spots along the river.
Moving water agitates the surface and can drive off carbon dioxide and let in oxygen, which is good news and goes in your favor because it increases the presence and quantity of trout.
Trout will also find shallow and quick waters or a big feeder stream packed with oxygen.
In many areas, the coldest water is near the upper sections of rivers or areas where cold groundwater upwellings or colder tributaries enter the river. These areas can often concentrate a lot of trout.
I find these areas by temperature testing each spot along the river during hot weather. If one spot is colder than the last, I have found a nearby cold water source. If I can find it, so can the big trout. This strategy keeps me and my clients catching big fish all summer.
I can even return to these spots when other parts of the river have become too hot for the trout, extending my client’s time on the water.
The Best Times To Fish In Hot Weather
Just like the air temperatures rise by day and descend by night, so do water temperatures. Consequently, the best time to fish in the hot weather period is early morning or late evening.
Many rivers heat up by early afternoon but cool off overnight. On some spring-fed rivers, I have seen water temps go up and down daily by 12 degrees Fahrenheit.
On these rivers, I can fish or guide from sunrise to about 11 am, and the water temps will be perfect in the 60 to 65F range, but by 1 pm, it will be over 70F.
It is also much more convenient for you to be outdoors during those times of the day so you are not baking in the sun. You can be more relaxed and more focused on fishing when the sun isn’t bouncing off the water’s surface, and you feel comfortable being outside.
Fishing at night is also another good way to beat the heat. See Trout Fishing At Night.
Fishing Trout In Hot Weather Tips From Guides
Light Lines: Light lines are often important when fishing the low, clear waters of summer. Even in deep waters where the hot weather forces the fish down, light, thin lines will help get your flies or baits down to the fish.
Surface Feeding: However, under different conditions, such as during a bug hatch, the fish can be near the surface feeding on bugs. In that case, a floating fly line with floating flies is required.
Fish The Shade: I will often seek out shaded areas on hot sunny days. Fish in these areas often feel more secure and are not bothered by the sunlight.
Fish The Cover: Summer often means low and very clear water on many trout streams. It also means some of the best fishing is far up the river in the smaller sections. Trout will often seek out big boulders in the river, logs, and wood offer them cover and they will feel more secure in these areas. Fishing around cover or structure can be the best option.
Head Of The Pool: I have found that the trout will often hold and feed very high up at the head of the pool in or under the fast water and rapids. This area provides the most oxygen and it is also a spot the largest fish will feed since it is where the most food is. Big trout will feed at the top of the pool to get in front of all those hungry little trout.
Sight Fishing and Stealth: Because of the low clear water, I can often sight fish for large trout feeding. A high vantage point on a tall bank is a great way to local feeding fish. I will also sometimes just sit and scan the water for 5 or 10 minutes, looking for flashes from the sides and belly of feeding fish.
Once I find them, I use stealth tactics to target specific trout. Unfortunately, many anglers stomp into a pool, making lots of noise, and they spook trout before they even cast. This is a big mistake I see many anglers make.
Big Baits and Big Flies: I will often use lures or large streamer flies to locate and sometimes catch large trout. Often, trout will move on a lure or a streamer but not hit it. I watch the lure and streamer fly the entire time to local these semi-active fish. Once located, I will fish smaller flies and baits to try and entice them to bite.
Your Hot Weather Trout Fishing Gear
Your hot-weather trout fishing gear should be lightweight and sparse. I wear green and tan sunshirts to protect my skin from the sun and to blend into the background.
I use a pack instead of a vest since I find wearing some fishing vests to be too warm on hot days.
Unless I need to protect my legs from tics or other bugs, poisonous plants, or sharp branches, I will wet-wade with a good set of wet-wading shoes or boots, and I will leave the colder water waders at home. The caveat to this is if I know the water is very cold and under 60 degrees, in which case I will wear my wader for warmth.
Polarized sunglasses are a must anytime you fish a river and a fishing hat.
Baits and Tactics
One of the most important aspects is deciding on the best baits and tactics. Your choice of fishing technique will determine the bait.
The lower clear water calls for a small sized spinner, such as a Panther Martin, a small spoon, or even a one or two-inch crankbait.
For traditional wet and dry fly techniques, stick to natural-looking flies such as Wooly Buggers, Prince Nymphs, Frenchies, and an SOS fly. I also recommend that you try euro nymphing since I find it’s more effective in lower clear water. Big indicators or bobbers in low, clear water can spook fish.
Guide Tip: When fishing in low clear water, I use white indicators. Trout often sees lots of white bubbles, so a white indicator looks like bubbles. It may be harder for you to see when mixed in with the real bubbles, but I have found what indicators to be a lot more effective.
When bait fishing, I tend to use smaller bobbers, smaller weights, and light leaders.
If and when possible, especially in shallow water, I won’t use a bobber at all and instead use the advanced bottom bouncing methods I discuss on my page, Bottom Bouncing. I also use smaller insects and worms than I would in the spring.
The best lures must flutter and dart, and I find lures like floating or suspending crankboats that I can rip-rip-rip and then pause/suspend work great.
Guide Tip: When the weather is hot and the fish are lethargic and less active, trout are not too apt to chase a faster-moving lure.
I recommend using jigs and micro jigs for trout because I have had great success using jigs when other lures and baits are not working. For bigger trout, I use the same 2- to 4-inch jigs. I have used micro jigs that are 1.5 inches or less for smaller trout.
Catch And Releasing Trout In Hot Weather
If you are doing catch-and-release fishing, handle the trout gently and carefully by using a net and keeping its head in the water all the time. Then, put it back into the rivers as soon as possible.
Make sure to hold the fish upright in the water until you see it’s fully recovered, and allow it plenty of time to rest before releasing it.
Try to touch the trout as little as possible, too. You do not want to damage its protective slime layer, leaving it vulnerable to infections. I won’t even pull the trout out of the water until the camera is ready, and then I only allow my clients 20 seconds out of water for the picture.
This handling strategy has allowed me to catch the same large trout up to 20 times from spring to fall season. The trout are always healthy when I catch them again.
Be sure to check out my page, Trout Fishing In Rivers to learn about the methods, baits, and tips that I and other guides use to fish for trout throughout the year.
See Trout Fishing In July and Trout Fishing In August.
Tight Lines,