22 Years Of Guiding Experience
Expert Tips and Advice
If you ever wanted to know the methods and tactics that river guides use to get their clients into more fish, this is where you will find it.
This is where you can learn from professional river guides about fishing for trout, steelhead, and salmon.
Learn From Guides And You’ll Learn The Right Way
My name is Graham and I am the lead author and owner of this website.
I have been in the fishing industry as a fishing guide and owner of a hunting and fishing store in the Great Lakes region for over 20 years.
For this website, I work with a group of great river guides to ensure that all the information on this website is coming from an expert who has tested and proven these methods to be the most effective.
Our team of guides and I contribute to this website every week. We also answer your questions about river fishing in the comments sections below each article.
The expert tips and advice that we provide will work on any river in North America.

Fly Fishing
Fly Fishing is a popular and productive way to river fish but it can be frustrating to do it on your own. Don’t rely on advice from anyone other than an expert.

Centerpin / Float Fishing
Centerpin fishing has taken off in the great lakes and west coast because it is so effective. I have 30 years of experience with Centerpin fishing.

Trout Tips
River guides do things a certain way to catch more trout for their clients. Learn about trout fishing and the methods these guides use.

Steelhead Tips
There are thousands of steelhead rivers and creeks around the great lakes region and on the west coast. We cover everything you need to catch more.

Salmon Tips
The great lakes region has a few different species of Salmon. Get your tips and advice from salmon guides to help you catch more salmon.

Gear Reviews
Guides know what you need to succeed on the river. Get honest advice and recommendations on the best products and fishing gear.

Help Us Help You!
Hundreds of hours have gone into this free website to help anglers just like you and there is more to come.
To keep this website up to date and running I sometimes make money on some of the links and ads on some pages. I make it a priority to only recommend products that I know are good and ones that are used by me and the other guides.
I appreciate your support and hope you continue to enjoy my website. For more information check out the Affiliate Disclaimer and the Terms Of Service.

11 Best Steelhead Baits: Guide Favorites
In this article, I’ll reveal the most effective baits that river guides like myself use to catch more steelhead than 90% of anglers. I’ll also discuss: That’s right….

4 Best Waders For Winter Fishing: Guide Tested Waders
Best Waders For Winter Fishing – Guide Tips For Warmer Feet The most common issue with fishing in the winter is trying to keep your feet warm. I…

The Best Fishing Line For Trout in 2025: What Guides Use
I have been a fishing guide for trout for over 20 years. I’ve tested out more lines than i can remember. I have seen some really good lines,…